How To Alleviate Chronic Constipation
Things To Avoid
So, it starts with avoiding all the things I speak about all the time that TCM + nutritionjust don’t like in general: -
Meat rich foods
Refined white carbs (white pasta/rice/bread)
Fried food (including e.g. swapping fried to poached eggs).
Other things you might not have thought about to avoid:
Foods with baking soda/powder
Yeasted breads (bagels, challah, pretzels), instead go for wholegrain sourdough
NSAIDs (painkillers like ibuprofen) slow down the stools and cause us to produce less mucus in the gut in general (leaving it susceptible to damage)
Things To Do
Drink 1.5-2L room temp or above water (filtered preferably, NEVER COLD)
Have a hot breakfast/ hot food in general over cold
Exercise regularly
Soaking everything!
Chew more/better & generally eat more mindfully.
Separate out meals, less snacking - leave significant time between meals. The intermittent fasting I spoke about here may also help relieve constipation.
Additional Therapies To Try
Flax seeds/flax-meal/ flax oil - soaked, (up to three tablespoons once/twice daily)
A bit of apple cider vinegar before each meal (as always, raw, unpasteurised, WITH the mother). Also a note that it’s high in histamine so if you have any allergies/hay fever maybe skip this one
Aloe vera works as a laxative (but its v.cooling so be careful)
Teas Are a Good Idea
They up your liquid content if you’re bad at drinking water too:
Digestive herbs (can be had as teas, supplements or added to food): dandelion or liquorice root, oregano, dill, caraway, mint
Other good teas include carminative teas, which help with bloating/distension/constipation, these include: Anise, Fennel, Peppermint, Lemon balm, Chamomile, Rosemary, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek, Orange peel.
In general we want to do three things with our nutrition:
- Lubricate the intestines: spinach, banana, sesame seed/oil, honey, pear, prune, peach, apple, apricot, walnut, pine nuts, almonds, alfalfa sprouts, carrot, cauliflower, beets, okra, seaweed
Promote bowel movements: cabbage, papaya, peas, coconut, sweet potato, asparagus, figs, wheat/rice/oat bran
Replenish the gut microflora: i.e. all probiotic foods will help as already discussed (as long as no SIBO). For an effective way to support your gut health, incorporating a press juice cleanse into your routine, which can provide beneficial nutrients and promote a healthy microbiome.
Constipation always takes us onto FIBRE. The recommended amount is 35g of fibre per day.
Lots of love,
Cassie x
As always, for more information or to book a nutrition consultation you can find me at:
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